

 Some say that our nation experiences an inferiority complex. That we feel small in the face of other nations. That we tend to find reasons to remind ourselves that Indonesia is actually cool. We need reassurance. We’re not tired of debating our neighbors on who has accomplished more.

Maybe so. But that is not an excuse to not celebrate what our nation achieved.

Two years ago, there was an Indonesian film that raided cinemas and medias all over the world. An extremely insane action film. A film that wastes no time captivating audiences with a nice plot, as that time is better spent on wiping a corridor filled with savage thugs with a grenade planted inside a fridge . A film that, according to some, feels more like a video game rather than a film. A film that introduced us to characters like Mad Dog (Yayan Ruhian) and his boss who delighted in his noodle before taking care of his hostages.

The Raid. Or its international version title: The Raid: Redemption. This year, the sequel will be released on the 11th of April, they said. Coming soon.

Yesterday, a friend uploaded a photo of The Raid 2’s banner displayed in Waterloo Station. It made me grew impatient, as the trailer I watched a while ago is fricking awesome. A couple of surprises were present. There are more artistic touches rather than just raw, visceral action sequences that dominates the first film, which should be interesting.

Seeing those banners for myself gave me chills. A simple yet ‘exhilaratingly exciting’ and ‘thrill inducing’ moment, just like what the banner says. There were lots of them in famous stations across the city. From Oxford Circus, Tottenham Court Road to Baker Street, those banners proudly present Iko Uwais, the main guy, surrounded by praises from various media. There is even a corridor in Baker Street station where the two banners are placed facing each other. Feels like I’m in XXI (Indonesian cinema chain).

Indonesian advertisements are a rarity in this city. Pardon me for grinning widely (which I guess was rather creepy, considering how no one smiles on the tube) at every stop at which I can see the banner. Even though I am far from home, I’m grateful to be greeted by a familiar embrace. Even if it’s from a brutal action film.



 Ada yang bilang kalau bangsa kita mengalami inferiority complex. Bahwa kita merasa kecil di hadapan bangsa-bangsa lain. Bahwa kita selalu ingin mencari alasan untuk mengingatkan diri kalau Indonesia sebenarnya keren. Perlu reassurance. Tidak lelah kita berdebat dengan negara tetangga akan siapa sebenarnya lebih berhasil.

Mungkin benar. Namun bukan berarti kita tidak perlu merayakan apa yang bangsa kita raih.

Dua tahun lalu ada satu film Indonesia yang menyerbu bioskop dan media-media sedunia. Film laga super sinting. Film yang tidak menghabiskan waktu memikat penonton dengan ceritanya, karena sesungguhnya waktu yang ada lebih baik dipakai untuk membersihkan lorong berisi tukang pukul beringas dengan kulkas yang ditanam granat. Film yang kata orang lebih mirip video game daripada film. Film yang memperkenalkan kita pada sosok Mad Dog (Yayan Ruhian) dan bosnya yang dengan asoy makan mie goreng sebelum membereskan tahanannya.

The Raid. Atau judul versi internasionalnya: The Raid: Redemption. Tahun ini sekuel dari film itu akan keluar, katanya pada tanggal 11 April. Sebentar lagi.

Kemarin ada seorang teman yang mengunggah foto banner The Raid 2 yang dipasang di Waterloo Station. Saya semakin tidak sabar karena trailer yang saya tonton beberapa waktu lalu keren banget. Banyak sekali momen tak terduga. Kesan ‘nyeni’  ditonjolkan ketimbang murni menampilkan action seperti film yang pertama.

Saya pun merinding saat menjumpai banner-banner The Raid 2 itu sendiri. Momen yang ‘exhilaratingly exciting’ dan ‘thrill inducing’, seperti kata bannernya. Banyak sekali mereka dipajang di stasiun-stasiun terkenal di tengah kota. Di Oxford Circus, Tottenham Court Road, dan Baker Street, banner-banner itu dengan bangga menampilkan sosok Iko Uwais yang dikelilingi kalimat-kalimat pujian. Bahkan, di suatu lorong di Baker Street, banner dipasang di dua sisi tembok yang berhadapan. Rasanya seperti di XXI.

Iklan atau pengumuman yang berbau Indonesia sangat langka di kota ini. Maklumilah saya yang nyengir-nyengir di dalam kereta saat banner tersebut terlihat di setiap perhentian. Meski jauh dari rumah, akhirnya ada suatu sentuhan akrab. Meski ia datang dari iklan film action brutal nan apik.